SO I got my prizes today! The Maleman was busy, becuz he had two boxes an two envelopes for ME! I gots: Pictures of me, cards wit me on em, temptations, mousies, an FUR BOA.... It jingles too!!!! Skeezix knew I LOVE things that jingle. Mommy also a neat-o jar from Robyn! She can thank me later for being cute enuff to win her the jar.

Me in my BOA

I like the mousie a lot.
After we opened up all the stuff, Mom put a lot of it away for later, but I got to keep my boa. Then we went Outside to sit in the grass for a little bit.

Kewl loot, Tiggy! An the boa is PINK, so I knew it was frum Skeezix righta way. I gotta ask my mom fur a boa an sum of them fev-ver butt mousies. Haf fun!
Wow, those are realy cool presents. You are such a pretty kitty, we love your stripes.
Oh, Tiggy, what beautiful stripes you have! Enjoy all your prizes; you really earned them by posing in that bunny costume.
Yes, such exotic looking stripes! What great prizes! I loved the bunny costume!
You look really pretty, Tiggy! How exciting to get all those prizes!
Hi Tiggy! We's glad you likes the jar for your Mommy. We's kinda 'nnoyed wif our Mommy tho. She forgotted to put the purrize purresent we tolded her to send in the box just for you! Fooey! Well, we'll sends it to you, k? We'll make Mommy do it right this time. hehehe
Oh! And you know what was really cool bout you winning? The judges were beans Mommy knows and they's not efun cat peoples!!! One of 'em is a dog purrson, and the ofur two is just not anykinda critter purrsons. Ain't that cool that you wonned cuz not-efun-cat-people thoughted your costoom was best? I fink so!
Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi and Gree
It is very nice of you to share your photos of the day the contest prices arived. What fun that must have been. Looks like a lot of neat stuff.
Bonnie in Virginia
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