Hi! My name is Tiggy and this is my first ever post to the innernets! Here is my pikture:

I am sitting on top of my favortie toy, Gerry the Giraffe. I hate it when anybody else touches my giraffe, even my Mommy. I am in a cool costoom contest, hosted by my frend Skeezix.
He is very cool and has a neet-o blog. I'll post sum more soon!
Hi Little Tiggy,
I saw you over at the costume contest and wanted to say hi. You have lovely stripes. My mean brother Jake has stripes, but his are much wider.
Welcome to the internet, Tiggy! Wow, you have even more stripes than I do!
Hi Tiggy- Its vary nice to meet yoo! Yoo luk vary handum in yer fotogenic pose with Gerry. We luk forward to seeing more posts.
Make sure yoo leeve comments on othur kitties blogs so thay know to click on yers and return the favur!
Congratulashuns on YER blog!!!
-Rosie and Cheeto
Hi, Tiggy! I love that photo of you; it's very cool!
Nice to meet you,
Tiggy, I love the color yoo pikt for yer blog! And I like yer jeraff too. And I espeshully love yer Halloween costoom!
Hi Tiggy. We heard about you from Skeezix. We are adding you to our links.
ur a kyoot pink bunny u r
Hi Tiggy! Welcome to the innernet. Bloggin is a hole lot of fun! I luv yer pitchur and think yoo are veree kyoot!
Hullo, fella tabby! Nice ta meetcha. I won't touch yur giraffe.
Hi Tiggy!
Welcome to the innernets! I's putted your linky on our bloggy and on the Cat Blogosphere too. We finks your nose is furry cute wif it's purrty dark pinky color an black outline. You's a handsum kitty. We's furry glad to meet you.
Hi Tiggy,
My, but you have beautiful stripes. You are quite handsome.
Hi, Tiggy! Welcome!
DaisyMae Maus
Hi Tiggy! Welcome to the blogosphere! I loved your costume entry at Skeezix's so much, I voted for you! You are so adorable and beautiful! Those stripes and eyes of yours....WoW!
i luv guraffes and tuggy
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