I wanted to show you a picture of the kitten that lives in the meerowr. I don't have brothers or sisters that live in our house, but this kitten has lived in the meerowr ever since I lived here! DO you think this might be my sister? She had tiger stripes like me. That is my mommy taking the photo! This pikture is real old, from when I wuz still a tiny kitten!

Hi Tiggy, It's so great that you have your very own blog (and a mirror twin too)!
Huh. A kitteh in your meerowr? I haven't effur looked in my meerowr. Wonder if I've got a kitteh in there, too?
Sorry, I accidentally left that last comment under my mom's username. I wish she wouldn't be usin' my puter. Silly Mommy.
Hi Tiggy. Wow, a twin kitty in the meerowr. I haf one that lives in my stove door. Don't try to play wif the twin, you can hurt your paw and nose on the meerowr. I wouldn't know that from 'xperience. Nope, not me.
Yoo have a twin. How cul!!! Do yoo meow alike, sownd alike and at times evun dress alike?!?!?
I had one a long time ago, but she hissed an growled at me an her hair stood up on end. So I stopped lookin fur her.
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