I am in another Hallowe'en costume contest, at Stuffonmycat.com!!!
Please go here to vote for me!!
Here is a pikture of the pumkin my mommy and I did together. She did the carving part, and I was the supervisor. It was my idea to give the pumpkin a Grillz.

Purrs and headbutts,
We voted fur you, but I's afraid Sophie has quite a lead.
We voted!
Happy Halloween Tigster.
=^.^= Happy Halloween!
Tiggy, you are the cutest little thing. So photogenic.
We'll go check your latest contest. Soon you will be Miss America or Miss Universe.
That's a good pumpkin your mommie did.
We voted for you Tiggy! Your pumpkin looks very nice.
We voted for you! I hopes you win. You are awfully cute! Good job wif the punkin'
Hi Tiggy. We voted for you, too. You looked great in your costume.
HA, that pumpkin is dubble yer size! Yoo must have dune a grate job supurvising cause it luks reely cul.
p.s. we voted fur yoo too!
Tiggy, we voted for you by the deadline, but like Victor said, it looked like Sophie had an insurmountable lead.
We like you and your pumpkin. Once again, your stripes look outstanding.
We voted for you, Tiggy! We hope that you win. Great "grillz" on your pumpkin. Mom said that your pumpkin looked like her seniors ... They wear "grillz," too. You musta had a BIG pumpkin because you look tiny next to it!
DaisyMae Maus
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