On another topic, I wuz wondering if all you kitties could help me. Every few days my mommy is attacked by a big machine with a huge mouth that goes "Vrommm". It is WAY bigger than me, but not as big as the Vromm-vromm that are Outside. It drags her across the carpet over and over. Someitmes it tries to eat my toys! It scares me A LOT. I think one day it might try to eat me. DO any of you have one of these living in your house? Did you ever try to kill it? I found it sleeping-- right next to my crunchies!!!!! I wanted to kill it, but it doesn't have a neck like Gerry does. And it is NOT soft. So I don't know where to bite!

Oh Tiggy, you are so adorable.
We have one of those machines also, but luckily our Meowmie does not use it very often! We are very afraid of it. Even Bubbles, who is a wild gladiator cat is afraid of it. The best is just to hide until it goes to sleep.
Yer outta luk, Tiggy. We all got 'em. If it were up to the food ladey, it'd stay in the clozit, but the man brings it owt evry Sunday and then it eets owr toys and the pennies that the food lady drops on the carpit and then it goze kerchunka kerchunka kerchunka, and since I've bin lissening to it for like ten yeers, it no longer terryfize me, but it is ixtreemly annoying. Not as annoying as the wite rat, but it's rite up thare. Rocky sez yoo need to lern how to kut the serkit braker.
First, congrats on the Halloween contest second place win! You deserved it!
And, as Mao says, we've got one of those things, too. I HATE it! As big as I am, I run and hide under the bed.
Tiggy, that is a rug-sucking monster and we have one at our house. I hate it too. I have a story about ours in my blog from this past Sunday. I sympathize with you.
This is very curious. We do not have one of these things in our house. We do have a weird creature, though. It wanders around by itself every day.
Super creepy.
Oh Tiggy, I love the first photograph. You are meant to be in La La Land!
Tess is actually not afraid of the vacuum. She goes around supervising my work when I'm vacumming. Boots, on the other hand, hides under the bed while the vacuum is on.
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