I was so mad!!! I kept rolling around the floor, trying to roll away from the Arness. But the thing about Arnesses, is that wonce your mommy puts em on u, that's it, you can't get em off, unless they're way too big. So the best thing to do is just accept the Arness, because when your Mommy puts the Arness on u, that means that you're gonna go Outside!
An then, this pikture is of me wonce I figured out that Arness=Outside.

Good Luck Catzee, your lucky that you gonna get Outside! An don't worry, the Arness isn't that bad.
You look furry charmin' in your Arness.
I voted for you today on StuffOnMycAt.com! Good luck!
Ooo, Tiggy you is furry lucky. Ya don't even look like yur dyin wif that thing on. Do ya thinks I'll get ta go outside too?
Yep, I lernd to love my harniss becuz it ment I got to go owtside and sniff all the GRATE owtside smells! Thoze smells were werth waring the harniss for!
Nice arness. Mine's purple. The cat afore Bonnie was 10 when Mom tried an arness on her, an she completely flipped out. It's bestest to start when we're young.
Oh Tiggy you look so cute with your harness.
Hi, I did it I voted for you. Then I came right back to your blog and read a bunch of your posts. I think you're right, your Man does probably have some cat genes in him somewhere. You look to be communicating with him really well. I like your 'arness, but I don't have one. My lady peep says I can't go outside ever unless I'm in the carrier. I'm cool with that. The lady peep says to say that we're canadians too and she says she wishes I'd sit still long enough to put a costume on. heh heh heh, not gonna happen soon.
Hi Tiggy! You look pury brave in your harness outside.
Tiggy, best of luck with the contest! You really do look cute with your harness. I wish my two would learn to go out on a harness.
You were such a cute kitten! With your little blue harness!
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