So I was reading sum of the other kitties' blogs and I thought that they might like to know a bit about me! Well, I am 7 months old, and my Mommy took me home about 5 months ago. She adopted me from under a shed in San Pedro, where I was living with my "real" Mommy. My "real" Daddy was no where to be found, and my new Mommy said that I would have a better life if I went with her. She had some yummy food, so I came out from under that cozy shed. There was a Crazy Lady and a Crazy Man who lived in the house in front of the shed, and they were sad that I was leaving. They used to play with me with yarn and stuff. I bet my real mommy was sad too. I forget what she was like, but my human mommy said she was a "tortie", what ever that means.
AT first I was real scared and also really small. Here is a pikture of me next to a shoe so u can see.

I had to go to the vet ALOT, becuz a kitty who lives under a shed ends up with lots of small problims like eye infeshuns, worms, fleas, and that stuff. The fleas really liked me and also my humans!
Anyway, I live here in Torrance with my Mommy (who I love ALOT) and my Daddy (who I like, but not as much as Mommy). Sumtimes I think my Daddy is not a person at all, but a really big cat, becuz he has ALOT of fur all over his body, whiskers on his face, and a tail. Altho the tail is in the wrong place.
I think I'm a lucky kitty, becuz I have ALOT of toys, and I also have a kortyard to play in. It has leaves to chase, sumtimes there are bugs, and also a lot of dirt to dig in.

I don't have a cool strollers like Skeezix, but I do have a harness and sumtimes I get to go outside of the kortyard to play in the grass. But the big vroom-vroom things scare me and also the small persons when they whizz by on boards with wheels.
Well, that was a lot of typing! I think I'm going to go and sit in the window now. Thanks for readin my blog!
Hi there Tiggy ... you look very cute and I look forward to reading your antics ... I will get my Hummy to link you.
I love your stripes and dots on your tummy!
Very nice pictures. I especially like the one where you have your harness on.
Hi sweet Tiggy. Welcome to the blogosphere. I am kinda' new too. Just a couple weeks. I would love to link to you so check me site and I'll let KC who is the official cat blog repurter know how to find you!
You were tiny! So glad you chose your mommy and now you have a furrever home! I too will be linking to you! Looking forward to more adventures w/you!
Wow, Tiggy -- yoo were reely tiny next to those flip flops! Hoo wood have thot yoo'd grow up to be a Playboy Bunny?
o, Tiggy, u is so littles. 'n so cutes. looks furward ta gettin to know ya.
i'll make sure ur listed on tha huge blogroll 'n posts u on tha cat blogosphere right now...also, check out Kats Cat of the Day, where alot of us kitties 'n cats meet 'n talk 'n stuff. 'specially if u's a feral kitty, leaf a post fur Kat today, she's collectin a listie of all us ex-ferals (me 'n my big sisfur Missy, we's both ex-ferals).
hi tiggy **wavey** yoos a cute playcat bunny.
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