Wednesday, November 08, 2006

A very tiring trip Outside

Today was a BIG day! My mom was feelin a whole lot better, so she tooks me Outside! This time the Man came too. We just went to the Outside around the house, not the Outside that is in the park. It was really loud and smelly. I found a nice place to stop and pose:

Then I found a bush to hide in. The Man was my bodyguard.

I realized how effective my tiger stripes are for blending into the background:

I climbed up a small tree:

Then Mom putted the camera away and we tried to go fors a REEL walk. Down the sidewalk. Walkin the whole ways. I wuz doin reel good, walkin a lot. We walked about 1/2 a block, then we turned round and went back. THEN sumthin crazy happened! There was this yeard, with a fence, that I smelled reel good as we went by the first time. Well, there was no woofie there the first time, but the second time THERE WAS!!! A yellow one!!! It didn't woof, but I wuz so scard.... every hair stood up and I HISSED REELY REELY LOUD. I putted all my claws out and open my mouth reel wide to show off all my fangs. I tried to run away, put the arness is connected to the beans hands, so I couldn't. I wuz so scard I didn't even recognize my mommy!!! I hadta walk away a little bit and calm down before my beans could come close to me. My mommy said she's seen scard and vicious kittys before, but never like me. She said I reely reel wuz a tiny tiger. Which made me feel a bit better. Then we went home and I feel asleep. I wuz so tired.


Just Ducky said...

Glad the woofie didn't get you. I have woofies living next door, but I don't go outside at all.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

See, Tiggy, you really are well-name. You are a tiny tiger and you'll soon be a big tiger.

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Wow, Tiggy, you really are camouflaged! It's as if you're a little bit of a chameleon in addition to tiger.

We're glad your mommy is feeling better.


Lux said...

Boy, you had one big day, full of new experiences! I'm glad the doggy didn't hurt you!

Sarah and Tiggy said...

Yah, I'm grey an brown. Mommy sez I'm gettin more brown as I grows up. After the whole adventure, I feel asleep lying next to my mommy. I'm so glad to have a place to sleep where there are no woofies. But I think I would have stood up reeel good against that woofie....

Mr. Hendrix said...

Oh Tiggy! You are really brave! Wow, standing up to a woofie. What a perfect name you haf. All of your pictures are fantastic. Youu have a very good body guard in the MAN.
You're probably still worn out today so get some sleep!!!

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

What a great adventure! You have the perfect camoflage! And you're very brave to stand up to that dog!

And thank you for the compliment on my blog! I'm not quite the Big Man Cat that Kismet is, but I do have big feet.